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  • Writer's pictureMichael Ash

Types of Legal Documents

Process servers play an important role in the legal system by ensuring that different types of legal documents are delivered to individuals and entities involving legal proceedings. The types of documents that a process server may handle depend upon the type of case or court of origin. A working knowledge of the different types of documents is essential for process servers to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently.  Here are some examples of the different types of legal documents a process server may be required to deliver:

  1. Summonses and Complaints: Summonses and Complaints are often the first step in any legal proceeding. They provide a formal notice of a legal proceeding to the defendant being sued and include important information about the case.  Usually the summons include the allegations against them, supporting documents, and the deadline for filing a response or attendance requirement  at a court hearing. 

  2. Subpoenas: A subpoena is a formal document commanding an individual to appear in court, provide testimony, or provide documents for inspection at a court hearing. Process servers often deliver subpoenas to witnesses in order to provide related evidence.  Successful service ensures that witnesses or evidence is available for the matter at hand.

  3.  Garnishments and Levies:  A process server may deliver a writ or court order to an individual or entity requiring a specific action or other legal compliance. Examples include wage garnishments, other than wage garnishments or bank levies, liens upon land, property seizures, cash drawer seizures, or door locks.  These are normally utilized in the execution of judgment enforcement or debt collection.

  4. Orders of Protection and Restraining Orders: Protection and Restraining Orders are issued by the court in order to protect individuals from harm or harassment.  A process server will deliver these documents personally to the individual to be served. 

  5. Notice and Demand Letters:  Often the first step in a legal action requires formal notice of intent to utilize the legal system of obligation or other matters of contract are not met. A process server will sometimes deliver or post notices of intent for evictions, foreclosures, student loans, or other commercial debt matters within a time frame before formal issuance of a summons and complaint.

  6. Court Summons and Hearings: Process servers may sometimes deliver a notice requiring the attendance of the recipient at a hearing, trial, or other court related matter. These are often in response to an order to show cause, contempt of court, failure to pay child support, or other violations of the court.

The types of legal documents a process may handle can vary depending on the nature of the case, the court or jurisdiction overseeing the matter, and other entities involved. A process server must stay up to date with the applicable laws and regulations regarding the documents they serve. 

Process servers play a vital role delivering legal documents to all parties involved in a legal proceeding. Whether it involves summonses and complaints, subpoenas, garnishments and levies, orders of protection and restraining orders, notice and demand letters, or other documents indicating involvement in a court order, process servers ensure these documents are delivered accurately and effectively, in order to best provide the potential for justice.

A thorough understanding of the different types of legal documents is an essential requirement for the process server’s role in the legal system. 

Thank you for using Capital Discovery Solutions for all of your needs for a process server in Columbus Ohio.

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