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Our Philosophy

The first step in effective judgment enforcement is a full understanding of resources  available to the judgment recovery specialist. We enforce our own judgments, appear in court when necessary, and continue learning. We utilize advanced technology and old fashioned shoe leather when working cases.

Our enthusiasm and energy for recovering judgments is clear. We are motivated to help you and address each hurdle or roadblock impeding enforcement. We recognize that judgment recovery is not a one- size fits all approach and treat each case accordingly.

We work each matter on an individual basis, giving the case the attention it deserves. This is very often in contrast to collection agencies that deal in high volume and do not give their cases the attention necessary in order to collect from stubborn debtors. 

Progressive judgment collection demands ability, planning, resourcefulness, dogged persistence, and patience. 

"A judgment is a license to hunt." - Judge James Brown

Process Serving 
Judgment Recovery


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